Software for one-dimensional inversion of any frequency EM soundings

Software for one-dimensional inversion of any frequency EM soundings

Tensor-M LLC offers to purchase a program for one-dimensional inversion of frequency electromagnetic sounding data.


Simple and clear user interface
The program is developed for the Windows operating system. The minimalistic single-window interface has all the familiar and intuitive controls for the inversion process. Does not require programming skills.
Quick results
Computational algorithms are adapted for multiprocessor personal computers for optimal system loading and obtaining the fastest possible results.
Any field sources
The program supports any type of field source, described by a wire of arbitrary configuration with a three-dimensional position of the nodes. Each wire node can be located at an arbitrary point in the horizontally layered medium and have an arbitrary orientation. When inverting, the completely three-dimensional position of the source is taken into account: horizontal curvilinear, arbitrary inclined (along the topography), partially buried in water or ground.
Any observation systems
The program supports any observation systems: aero, ground, water, underground and hybrid (for example, the source is on the ground, and the measurements are in the air or underground).
Determination of electrical resistivity anisotropy. Accounting for displacement currents.
The program allows you to perform anisotropic inversion: automatically determine the horizontal and vertical electrical resistivity for each layer. For high-frequency soundings, taking into account displacement currents (dielectric constant) is relevant. This option is also available to program users.
Joint inversion
The program allows you to perform joint inversion of data from three types of soundings: frequency EM controlled source soundings, magnetotelluric soundings, direct current soundings. Any combination of the three data types with independent weights is available. For controlled source EM soundings, a combination of an arbitrary set of inverted curves is also available: impedance, tipper, field components. The amplitude and phase weights are set independently.
True near-field correction
The program allows you to automatically correct the near-field effect (transition zone effect) fo further 2D and 3D inversion in programs for magnetotellurics. This allows to avoid model distortions caused by the close position of the transmitter. Two options are available. 1 - exclusion of data in the transition and near-field zones, 2 - replacement of such data with synthetic plane wave data.

Proven calculation accuracy in any layer of the model

  • Изображение
    Comparison of the results of calculations of the field of a horizontal electric dipole (HED) located in the ground, obtained in the TENSOR-M 1D and MARE2DEM programs
  • Изображение
    Comparison of the results of calculations of the field of a vertical electric dipole (VED) located in the air, obtained in the TENSOR-M 1D and MARE2DEM programs

    How to get the software?


    How to get the software?

    1. Write to us ( Send a request for a demo dongle, which provides a temporary 14 days license of trial use. It's free.

    2. Test the software to see if it suits your needs. The program's functionality is not limited. Only the testing time is limited.

    3. If you like everything, renew the license after payment and use the same dongle.